Sunday, December 6, 2009

More Photography!

Here are some of my recent photoshoots :) I feel so lucky to have such trusting fRiEnDs and FaMiLy who are allowing me to create special memories for them! I've been very busy with Family Christmas Card shoots and a Wedding Engagement photoshoot... hope I've had some happy customers. Photography is so fun, especially when the subjects are absolutely BeAuTiFuL! Oh, I thought I'd throw in a couple of our Christmas Card photos as well :) Thank you, Sarah Faye, for taking such great pictures!!!


BRANDY said...

You have such a beautiful family! Great shots of everyone. Happy a fabulous holiday! take care!

Otte, Party of Five said...

thanks, brandy!!! you too :)

Unknown said...

those are all really great pics, jess! thanks again for taking ours for us!! ^_^