Monday, January 4, 2010

Celebrating 2010

Although we had plans to go BIG (with Cristie and Michael) in Dallas for New Year's, Drew could not get off work for New Year's Day. So, in order to ensure that he made it to work the next morning... we celebrated with friends, here in Tyler. We hit our faithful karaoke hot spot for quesadillas, drinks, and music (as well as Marla's birthday)! After Jason and Drew were able to sing some of their favorites, we all headed out to the next spot for some dancing. We had a BLAST ringing in the new decade with some of our closest friends. Katie and Sean had us over to visit around the fire until we finally had to call it a night at 3 am. We were able to see the Brawners one last time, on Saturday, for a little bit more Christmas before they headed back to Florida :( Guess we'll just have to go see them this summer for some SUN! For now... it's back to reality and back to school :( YUCK!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

ChRiStMaS FINALLY came!!! :)

Christmas has been busier than any other year and we stayed home! We asked for it though :) We really wanted to host ChRiStMaS for our families this year: Christmas Eve Day with Drew's family was spent with Turkey, Ham, Dressing, Spinach Madeline, Cheesecake, Pumpkin Log, lots of presents, and SNOWFLAKES... Christmas Eve was so precious and so SPECIAL as we read about Mary and Joseph in our new festive jammies, around the fire, with hot chocolate and marshmallows... Christmas Morning was sooooo fun watching the kids tear into the fun surprises from SaNtA and some blueberry muffins from daddy... Christmas Day with my family (the Rozeans) was spent with Prime Rib, more Turkey, Green-Bean Casserole, more Spinach Madeline, Pumpkin Pie, and even MORE presents... the day After Christmas with the rest of my family (the Babins) was spent with Shrimp E'Touffee' and a SLEW of more presents!!! We LOVED, LOVED, LOVED spending the holidays with our families! I'm so sad to see it go... or, could it be that I'm just NOT ready for another semester of this school year?!!